Chipper Grinder

ECOSTAN® Chipper Grinder

Process: Chipper Grinder is drum type chipper, the material is fed into chipper via help of in-feed belt conveyor, through which the material goes into chipper drum where it gets cut into smaller pieces with the help of moving chipper blades. The chipped material is screened out through perforated screen to ensure the appropriate output size of the material.

Use: Chipper Grinder is used for cutting and chopping of various types of Agro and Forest waste materials. It cuts the material into smaller size which helps to make the material portable and can be further used as a Biomass for heat generation or other purposes. The raw material output size can be adjusted up to some extent by changing the size of perforated screen used in Chipper Grinder.

In-put raw-materials: Any type of agricultural and forest waste such as pine needles, sugarcane trash, tree shrubs, tree leaves & branches, cotton stalks, paddy straw, wheat straw, arhar stalk, veneer waste, wood peeling, juliflora shrubs, bamboo tree waste, coconut, wild grass etc.

Vernacular Names: Chipper Grinder, Chipper Shredder, Chipper, Agri Waste Chipper, Paddy Straw Chipper, Hay bale Chipper, Biomass Grinder, Biomass Chipper, Chipper for Briquette Plant, Veneer Waste Chipper, Sugarcane Chipper etc.


Chipper Grinder
Model No. Production Power Requirements
CG 120 Up-to 5,000 KG/HR 129 HP
CG 75 Up-to 3,000 KG/HR 83 HP
CG 60 Up-to 2,000 KG/HR 65 HP
CG 40 Up-to 1,000 KG/HR 43 HP
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